
There is there are HOUSE

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  • Make a sentence.
    There are two pencil cases in the picture.
  • Телевизор находится в гостинной.
    There is a TV in the living room.
  • There ... (to be not) a cat and a dog in the flat.
    There isn't a cat and a dog in the flat.
  • ... cookers in the kitchen?
    Are there cookers in the kitchen?
  • В моей комнате нет шкафа для одежды.
    There isn't a wardrobe in my bedroom.
  • В гостиной нет телевизора.
    There isn't a TV in the living room.
  • В спальне есть компьютер?
    Is there a computer in the bedroom?
  • Are there any bananas on the table?
    Yes, there are.
  • В доме две спальни, гостиная и кухня.
    There are two bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen in the house.
  • Is there a guinie-pig in the bathroom?
    No, there isn't.
  • Make a sentence.
    There are four puppies.
  • How many teachers are there in the classroom?
    There is one teacher.
  • Котенок находится в доме.
    There is a kitten in the house.