
1st Conditional - U7 - Motivate 2

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  • What _____________ (they / do) if he _____________(not / send) the money?
    will they do - doesn't send
  • If I (find) ___________ your ring, I (give) ___________it back to you.
    find - will give
  • If you ___________(add) some tomatoes, the sauce ___________(taste) much better.
    add - will taste
  • Simon (go) ___________ to London next week if he (get) ___________a cheap flight.
    will go - gets
  • It ___________(be) too hot if he ___________(travel) to Greece in August.
    will be - travels
  • If Tom ___________(pull) this string, he ___________(open) the box.
    pulls - will open
  • I ___________(lend) you my laptop if you ___________(promise) to be careful with it.
    will lend - promise
  • If you ___________ (repair) my bike, I ___________(help) you with the math homework.
    repair - will help
  • The policeman ___________(tell) you the way if you ___________(ask) him.
    will tell - ask
  • If her boyfriend (not phone) ___________ today, she (leave) ___________ him.
    doesn't phone - will leave
  • Peggy (go) ___________shopping if she (have) ___________ time in the afternoon.
    will go - has
  • _______________(her ticket/ still be) valid if she ___________ (miss) the plane?
    Will her ticket still be - misses
  • If Peter ___________(sit) on the sofa, his sister ___________ (sit) next to him.
    sits - will sit
  • If it ___________(snow) in the Alps, it ___________(rain) in Munich.
    snows - will rain
  • Susan (cannot / move) ______________________ into the new house if it (not be) ___________ready on time.
    can't move - isn't
  • If I (do) ___________this test, I (improve) ___________my English.
    do - will improve
  • ________________(the students / practice) sport in the playground if it ___________(not/rain)?
    Will the students practice - doesn't rain
  • If it (rain) ___________tomorrow, I (not have to) ___________water the plants.
    rains - won't have to
  • You (not be able to) ______________________ to sleep if you (watch) ___________ this scary film.
    won't be able to - watch
  • How ________________(her father / feel) if she ___________ (go) to this party?
    will her father feel - goes
  • If you (send) ___________this letter now, she (receive) ___________ it tomorrow.
    send - will receive
  • What ________________(Jane/ do) if she ___________(not/be) very busy at work?
    will Jane do - isn't
  • If he ___________ (work) so hard, he ___________(ruin) his health.
    works - will ruin
  • If they (not study) ___________ harder, they (not pass) ___________ the exam.
    don't study - won't pass