
Self Driving Cars- Reading A to Z close reading  ...

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  • What is the main idea of this story?
    Self-Driving Cars
  • Are self-driving cars really expensive?
  • What happens if the computer fails?
    The car crashes.
    A back up driver takes over.
  • Self-driving cars are controlled by
    a child
    a computer
    a robot
  • Would you ride in a car with no driver?
  • Are self-driving cars ready to be used by everyone?
    not yet
  • What is a self-driving car?
    an electric car
    a car with a robot in the driver's seat
    a car that is driven by a computer
  • What is this word and what does it mean? DETECT
  • Some self driving cars don't have
    gas pedal
    steering wheels
    all of the above
  • Why were self-driving cars designed?
    to save money
    to save lives
    to be really cool