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  • What is the nickname of California?
    the Golden State
  • The first European to explore the coast of California was from what country?
    Spain (Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo in 1542)
  • What is the name of the area in the San Francisco Valley where several of the world's largest tech companies (Google, eBay, Intel, Facebook, Apple, Hewlett Packard, AMD, Netflix, etc) are headquartered?
    Silicon Valley
  • How many homeless people live in Los Angeles?
  • Is California the largest, second largest, or third largest state in the United States (by land area)?
    Third biggest
  • True or False: the Internet was born in California.
    True. The first message was sent in 1969 from UCLA (University of California Los Angeles)
  • TRUE or FALSE: The California economy is the largest economy of any state in the USA. If California were a country, it would be the 5th largest country in the world.
  • The tallest trees in the world are called ____, which grow in Northern California.
  • It takes ____ liters of water to grow a single almond.
  • About ____ million people live in California.
  • Why did the first Americans migrate to California in 1849?
  • 1 out of every ____ Americans lives in California.
  • What is the name of the tallest tree in the world?
    General Sherman
  • There is a ____ on the state flag.
  • What is Skid Row?
    a section of Los Angeles that has over 55,000 homeless people