
Ending Conversations

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  • Your dad tells you he has to leave to go to the dentist. How do you end the conversation?
    Thanks for letting me know! Love you dad!
  • You are at school talking with your friend about trains when your parents arrive to pick you up. How do you end the conversation?
    You know I could talk forever about trains with you, but I need to go. My parents are here. See you tomorrrow!
  • A cashier tells you to wait for your food over by the counter next to you. How do you end the conversation?
  • Lincoln's friend is talking with him in the car, but Lincoln has arrived at his friend's house. His friend needs to get out of Lincoln's car to go home. How can Lincoln end the conversation?
    You're rocking it!
  • King is talking with his friend but needs to end the conversation because his dad is calling him on his phone. How can King end the conversation?
    You rock!
  • Your friend is talking to you about a test, but you have to leave to you see your tutor. How do you end the conversation?
    Speaking of tests, I have to go run and study for my upcoming one with my tutor. I'll see you later!
  • Mandy is chatting with her friend while walking home. They arrive in front of Mandy's house. How can Mandy end the conversation?
  • Your friend is talking to you about lunch, but you have to excuse yourself to go blow your nose. How do you end the conversation?
    Sorry, I need to go blow my nose really quick.
  • Tessa's friend texts her, "See you at the pool in an hour!" What can Tessa text back to acknowledge her friend, but stop the conversation?
    You got it!
  • Morgan is chatting with her mom but needs to leave for cheer practice. How can she end the conversation?
    Great job!
  • As your friend is leaving your house, they say, "Thanks for having me!" How do you end the conversation?
    Of course! We'll have to hang out again soon!
  • Your mom tells you your lunch is on the counter as you are leaving for school. How do you end the conversation?
    Thanks mom! Love you!
  • Your friend texts you, "Great game!" What can you text them back quickly before heading downstairs to dinner?
    Awesome job
  • Britney's friend says, "This game is awesome" when talking to her friend through a video game. What can she say to her friend to acknowledge her, but stop the conversation?
  • Your teacher tells you to have a great afternoon while you are leaving to go home. How do you end the conversation?
    You, too!
  • A cashier tells you to have a great rest of your day as you leave with your items from a store. How do you end the conversation?
    Thank you! You, too!
  • Cali is chatting with her friend, but the microwave goes off. Cali knows this means her popcorn is ready. How can Cali end the conversation?
    You got it!
  • Dominick is chatting with his friend but gets a text from his dad to come home. How can he end the conversation with his friend?
    Good work!
  • Your mom tells you she is heading out of the house to go to work. How do you end the conversation?
    Okay, mom! Love you!
  • Ricky is on the phone with his friend, but notices he has a low battery on his phone. How can Ricky end the conversation?
    Keep going!