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  • how can you save water while taking shower
    short shower
  • how can you reduce use of plastic bags?
    Use your own shopping bag or paper bag
  • What items cannot be recycled and causes harm to earth?
    Plastic bags, bubble wrap, Take out containers, Foam Egg cartons
  • Which tree people love to have inside their house?
    christmas tree(pine, fir etc.,)
  • What does reducing mean?
    less water when brushing teeth, buy less food from grocery store, less paper plates, no plastic bags.
  • How can you save energy?
    off the lights or devices when not in use
  • What lives in trees?
  • what happens when we reuse recycle reduce
    we will save our planet
  • What comes from trees
  • how can you save water while brushing?
    off the tap water
  • things you can recycle
    cardboards, cartons, cans etc.,
  • some ways to save water
    close tap water when not in use or repair leaking water
  • what does reusing means?
    putting cans in recycle bin, empty container to store stuff, take bags to grocery store etc..
  • How can you reduce cutting trees?
    reuse the paper
  • what does tree gives us to breathe?
  • Think about one tree that is near to your tree or you seen today. is it taller or smaller than you?
  • what are some things you can reuse
    books, water, paper,clothes,toys