
Animals need food to survive

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  • What foods do Porcupines eat?
    Plants , leaves, Bark. Also Berries
  • People need food to Eat and Grow. What foods do people eat?
  • How does Savannah Monitor find its food?
    It uses its tongue to smell for food. It can use its tongue to figure out which direction the food is located
  • Who is a Prey?
    An animal that is hunted by another animal.
  • How does a monkey get the nut out of the shell?
    A monkey bangs the nut on a hard surface. After it cracks, the monkey can pull it apart with its hands.
  • Why do Animals need to eat food?
    To get energy
  • What do you mean by the word 'survive'?
    To Stay Alive
  • Which animal uses its senses to get food?
    The Savannah monitor uses its sense of smell to find food. It has a tongue that can smell insects which it eats to survive.
  • Which animal is a meat eater ? Which other animals does it eat?
    Wolf. Wolves eat rabbits, deer and sometimes sheep.
  • Who is a Predator?
    An animal that hunts another animal.
  • What features does a porcupine have to help it get food?
    The porcupine has sharp claws to help it climb trees, and sharp teeth to help it eat bark from a tree.