
Embedded questions

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  • How old are they?
    Do you know... how old they are?
  • What time does the train to Hogwarts leave?
    Do you know ... what time the train to Hogwarts leaves?
  • Where is the cat?
    Can you tell me... where the cat is?
  • What does it mean?
    Can you tell me... what it means?
  • When will the taxi arrive?
    Do you have an idea... when the taxi will arrive?
  • Whose dog is that?
    Do you know... whose dog that is ?
  • What time did they leave school?
    Can you tell me... what time they left school?
  • When did Dylan get home?
    Do you know... when Dylan got home?
  • Why were the kids crying?
    Do you know... why the kids were crying?
  • Is this Christmas decor?
    Can you tell me IF... this is Christmas decor?
  • Did they find what they were looking for?
    Do you know IF... they found what they were looking for?
  • Where does Madonna live?
    Can you tell me... where Madonna lives?
  • How tall is LeBron James?
    Do you know how tall LeBron James is?
  • Have they eaten dinner yet?
    Do you know if ... they have eaten dinner yet?
  • Is there any more cake?
    Do you know IF... there is any more cake?
  • Has Amanda gotten a new job?
    Do you know IF... Amanda has gotten a new job?
  • Does she ride a horse?
    Do you know IF... she rides a horse?
  • Will Brian pass the exam?
    Do you have any idea IF... Brian will pass the exam?