
Speech Group

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  • Would you rather have all the candy you could ever need or have all the chips you could ever need?
    Which one?
  • Only people with refined tastes could afford the luxurious hotels along the ocean. What does the word luxurious mean?
    rich, expensive, very nice, fancy
  • Would you rather eat your favorite food every single day OR find 5$ under your pillow every single day?
    Which one?
  • I will try to make time for it. But I am ALL TIED UP at work. What does ALL TIED UP mean?
    really busy
  • The twinkling fireworks illuminated the dark sky. What does the word illuminated mean?
    lit up, brightened
  • The class is too loud. You all need to ZIP YOUR LIPS! What does ZIP YOUR LIP mean?
    Be quiet, quiet down, stop talking
  • Would you rather live in a tree house or on a house boat?
    Which one
  • Describe the picture
    He is playing the drums.
  • Describe the picture
    The people are picking up trash on the beach.
  • Describe the picture
    The boy is jumping into the pool. The boy is doing a cannonball.
  • James thought the couch was attractive, but Martha thought it was atrocious. What does the word atrocious mean?
    ugly, hideous, awful
  • Describe the picture
    The kids are making pizza.
  • Would you rather never watch tv again or never use a phone again?
    Which one?
  • Lauren was mortified when her mom yelled at her in front of all of her friends. What does mortified mean?
  • John's favorite sport is baseball. He practices every day after school. He won player of the year last year. One day, John hopes to enter a baseball competition - and, of course, win. One day, John hopes to be a famous baseball player.
    John loves baseball. John's favorite sport is baseball.
  • She was volunteering at the nursing home. She has a HEART OF GOLD. What does HEART OF GOLD mean?
    very nice, very good
  • Describe the picture
    They are painting the fence. The dad and son are painting the fence.
  • It was backwards day at school. The students had to do things backwards. Some of them wore their T-shirt backwards. They took a test before they studied the lesson! Dessert was served first instead of last during lunch. It was a weird day!
    It was backwards day at school
  • Did your class do anything fun for Earth Day?
  • Would you rather have a pet dragon or a pet dinosaur?
    Which one?
  • After having no rain, the farmers crops were very SPARSE. the family wondered how they would have enough for winter.
    limited, not a lot, very little
  • After having no food for 2 days the man was very feeble. He could barley stand up. What does feeble mean?
    weak, exhausted
  • Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world. The average height of a giraffe is 16-18 ft tall. They have very long neck and legs. Giraffes eat the leaves from tall trees. Other animals cant reach that high. They are so cool!
    Giraffes are tall animals
  • Thats a really hard decision. I would like to SLEEP ON IT. What does SLEEP ON IT mean?
    think it over, think about it