
Comparing Fractions

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  • What is the comparison symbol?
    Show whiteboard.
  • What is Alfredo's favorite animal?
    A dog.
  • What is the comparison symbol?
    Show whiteboard.
  • What is the comparison symbol?
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  • What's Leilani's favorite color?
  • What is the comparison symbol?
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  • What is the comparison symbol?
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  • What is the comparison symbol?
    Show whiteboard.
  • What is Trenton's favorite animal?
    Red Panda
  • What is the comparison symbol?
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  • What is Sofia's talent?
  • What is the comparison symbol?
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  • What is the comparison symbol?
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  • What is the comparison symbol?
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  • What is the comparison symbol?
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  • What is the comparison symbol?
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  • What is the comparison symbol?
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  • What is the comparison symbol?
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  • What is the comparison symbol?
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  • What is the comparison symbol?
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  • What is the comparison symbol?
    Show whiteboard.
  • What is the comparison symbol?
    Show whiteboard.
  • What is the comparison symbol?
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