
Language Concepts Basic - Shorter/Taller & Older ...

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  • Which building is the tallest?
    The blue building is the tallest.
  • Is the baby boy younger or older than his sisters?
    The baby boy is younger than his sisters.
  • Who is shorter than Player 2?
    Player 1 is shorter than Player 2.
    Player 3 is shorter than Player 2.
  • The woman sitting in the wheelchair is ____________ than the woman pushing the wheelchair.
  • Bob is...
    taller than Chris and Donna.
    shorter than Chris and Donna.
  • Who is the tallest?
    Goofy is the tallest.
  • Bob is...
    taller than Chris.
    shorter than Chris.
  • My Dad is...
    older then my grandfather.
    younger than my grandfather.
  • Chris is...
    shorter than Donna
    shorter than Bob
  • The grandparents are ___________ than the children.
  • Who is shorter?
    Robin is shorter than Batman.
  • Who is older?
    The woman on the right is older.
  • Donna is...
    the shortest.
    the tallest.
  • Chris is...
    taller than Donna.
    taller than Bob.
  • The woman pushing the wheelchair is ____________ than the woman sitting in the wheelchair.
  • Who is the youngest?
    The baby is the youngest.
    The grandmother is the youngest.
  • The children are ___________ than their grandparents.
  • Who is younger?
    Rapunzel is younger than the woman.
  • Who is the shortest?
    The baby is the shortest.
  • Who is taller than Player 2?
    Player 3 is taller than Player 2.
    Player 1 is taller than Player 2.
  • The woman holding the bag is...
    shorter than the baby
    taller than the baby
  • Bob is...
    taller than Chris.
    shorter than Donna.