
Past Simple or Present Perfect

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  • In the last two weeks
    Present Perfect
  • In the last ten years
    Present Perfect
  • Last month
    Past Simple
  • Yesterday
    Past Simple
  • This week
    Present Perfect
  • in 2001
    Past Simple
  • The day before yesterday
    Past Simple
  • Since your last birthday
    Present Perfect
  • yet
    Present Perfect
  • In the last four months
    Present Perfect
  • Last century
    Past Simple
  • Recently
    Present Perfect
  • So far this week
    Present Perfect
  • In the holidays
    Past Simple
  • Last week
    Past Simple
  • Since 1999
    Present Perfect
  • This morning
    Both, depending on the time now
  • When you were a child
    Past Simple
  • When you were at school
    Past Simple
  • A few weeks ago
    Past Simple
  • Last weekend
    Past Simple
  • Ever
    Present Perfect
  • It's the first/second/third time
    Present Perfect
  • In the past few days
    Present Perfect
  • already
    present perfect
  • Last term
    Past Simple