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  • 14. Tell your partner about something you didn't do until the pandemic broke out. (Not until)
    Not until the pandemic broke out did I ...........
  • 9. What did you learn from the news yesterday? (Little)
    Little did I learn from the news yesterday.
  • 12. Tell your partner about something you wouldn't do under any circumstances. (Under no circumstance)
    Under no circumstances would I .....
  • 5. How many stories did you write last term? (Not even once)
    Not even once did I write a story last term.
  • 7. What did you do as soon as you finished school last Monday? (No sooner)
    No sooner had I finished my English lesson than ........
  • 1. What did you do as soon as you joined the lesson? (No sooner had.....than...... )
    No sooner had I joined the lesson than I .......
  • 4. What do you need to do if you want to pass an exam? (Not only)
    Not only do I need to ........but also .........
  • 8. What did you do on  Wednesday/Thursday when you finished your English classes? (Barely)
    Barely had I finished my English classes when........
  • 6. Have you studied inversion before? Never...
    Never before have I studied inversion.
  • 11. Tell your partner about something you do very rarely. (Rarely)
    Rarely do I .......
  • 3. What can’t you do during an exam? (Under no circumstances)
    Under no circumstances can I .......
  • 10. Tell your partner about something you have never done before. (Never before)
    Never before have I ........
  • 2. What did your partner do when she/he got to class? (Hardly had ..........when.......)
    Hardly had she/he got to class when...........
  • 13. Tell your partner about something you have never done. (Not once in my life)
    Not once in my life have I .....