
Passive voice

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  • Originally, the internet (create) for use by the army.
    [was created]
  • was / The photo / on holiday / taken / .
    The photo was taken on holiday.
  • You (not / allow) to bring food or drink in here. Sorry.
    [are not allowed]
  • Yesterday's explosion (hear) miles away.
    [was heard]
  • will / before Tuesday / be / fixed / My car /
    My car will be fixed before Tuesday.
  • No animal products (use) when we make these meals.
    [are used / will be used]
  • about the competition / Were / you / told / ?
    Were you told about the competition?
  • found / a solution / will / soon / I hope / be /
    I hope a solution will be found soon.
  • to the brain / sent / The messages / are / .
    The messages are sent to the brain.
  • tomorrow / will be / The results / announced /
    The results will be announced tomorrow.