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  • Who is Anna´s daughter? How old is she?
    Karen - She is thirty-seven years old.
  • Are William and Anna Mike´s parents?
    No, they aren´t.
  • Who is Peter and Susan´s son? How old is he?
    Adam - He is ten years old.
  • Who are Adam and Amy´s parents? How old are they?
    Peter and Susan - Peter is thirty-four and Susan is thirty years old.
  • Who is Adam and Amy´s grandmother? How old is she?
    Anna - She is sixty-two years old.
  • Who are Mike and Karen´s daughters? How old are they?
    Laura and Lisa - Laura is eleven and Lisa is fifteen years old.
  • Are William and Anna grandparents?
    Yes, they are.
  • Who is Amy´s brother? How old is he?
    Adam - He is ten years old.
  • Is Karen Peter´s sister?
    Yes, she is.
  • Is Laura Lisa´s cousin?
    No, she isn´t. She is her sister.
  • Who is Laura and Lisa´s brother? How old is he?
    Daniel - He is eight years old.