
Questions with Simple Present

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  • What does the cat need?
    It needs water.
  • Do you like to ride a bike? (-)
    No, I don't.
  • What does the flower do?
    It screams./ It gets angry.
  • I listen to music when I'm bored.(Ask a question)
    What do you do when you are bored?
  • What do you do at the weekend?
    I watch TV/ movies.
  • What do we put first to make a meal?
    We put onions.
  • Do they like Fridays?
    Yes, they do.
  • Does John have a goldfish?
    No, he doesn't.
  • (Ask a question!) I have potatoes.
    What do you have for lunch?
  • Does he laugh?
    Yes, he does.
  • What do you do in winter?
    I build a snowman.
  • What does she do?
    She jumps.
  • Does it wake up her?
    Yes, it does.
  • Do your lessons start at 9.00 a.m.?
    Yes, they do.
  • He has a bucket and a ball. (Ask a question)
    What does he have in your toy box?
  • What do you have in your backpack?
    I have.....
  • What does your mother do?
    She's a doctor.
  • My cousins have sausages every Sunday. (Ask a question)
    What do they/your cousins have for Sundays?
  • Yes, we do. (Ask a question)
    Do you buy vegetables when you go shopping?
  • Does the cat talk?
    Yes, it does.
  • Does she drink lemonade?
    No, she doesn't.
  • Does he go on a picnic?
    Yes, he does.
  • What do you do in autumn with your grandparents?
    I make apple pie with them.
  • She has soup for dinner. (Ask a question!)
    What does she have for dinner?
  • Does he listen to the music on the radio?
    Yes, he does.