
impact 3 ... unit 4 grammar...present and past p ...

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  • You don’t find penguins at the North Pole.
    Penguins aren't found at the North Pole.
  • People export Spanish tortilla to the US.
    Spanish tortilla is exported to the U.S.A.
  • The mountain road .......... (close) two days ago.
    was closed
  • They produce coffee in Veracruz.
    Coffee is produced in Veracruz.
  • We use this room only for special occasions.
    This room is used only for special occasions.
  • English ____________________ (speak) in many countries.
    is spoken
  • The technician fixed my computer yesterday. (make passive)
    My computer was fixed yesterday.
  • They rang the church bells yesterday morning.
    The church bells were rung yesterday morning.
  • Our summer house ....... (make) of wood.
    is made
  • The men _____ (pay) $300 to do the job every week.
    are paid
  • The thief robbed the crown.
    The crown was robbed by the thief.
  • Many accidents ______ (cause) by careless drivers.
    are caused
  • This programme .......... (watch) by millions of people every day.
    is watched
  • The Pyramids...........(build) thousands of year
    were built
  • John was upset because the position ________ (not offer) to him yesterday.
    wasn't offered
  • The child broke all the plates in the cupboard.
    All the plates in the cupboard were broken.
  • My mum washes the dishes every day.
    The dishes are washed every day.
  • This scarf ....... (knit) by my granny.
    was knited
  • Istanbul ....... (visit) by millions of people every year.
    is visited
  • The airline sent our luggage to Australia by mistake.
    Our luggage was sent to Australia by mistake by the airlines.
  • Rare animals ...... (protect) in many countries.
    are protected
  • Columbus didn’t discover America in 1491.
    America wasn't discovered in 1491 by Columbus.
  • The Eiffel Tower _________ (build) in 1887-1889.
    was built
  • My mum's bike _________ (steal) when she was in the shop.
    was stolen