
Calling for a Ride

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  • How many strikes do you get before you cannot use TRIPS service anymore?
    3 strikes, you're out!
  • What is City of Irvine TRIPS?
    TRIPS is a ride service for people who cannot drive. You can call to schedule a ride.
  • I want to schedule a TRIPS ride to The Irvine Museum. What information do I need to prepare before I make a phone call?
    Time/date, address/cross streets, pick up location and drop off location
  • I have to cancel the ride I scheduled. WHEN do I need to cancel so I don't get a strike?
    24 hours before pick up time (1 day before)
  • Why do people have to cancel their TRIPS ride sometimes?
    Get sick, plans change, emergencies
  • Who can use City of Irvine TRIPS?
    Adults with disabilities and seniors who cannot drive themselves
  • I want to schedule a TRIPS ride after school on Wednesday. What time should the driver pick me up from IATP campus?
    12:00PM (Wednesdays are a minimum day.)
  • Can you use an app to schedule a ride? (Remember the story we read about Ross and Micah.)
    Yes, some apps allow you to schedule a ride without talking on the phone.
  • I scheduled a TRIPS ride for 3:00 at Legacy Education but I was not ready. The van left without me. Do I get a strike?
    Yes, if you do not show up at your pick up time, you get 1 strike.
  • Oh no, I forgot to cancel my trip. How many strikes do I get?
    You forgot to cancel. You get 1 strike.
  • I want to schedule a trip afterschool on Thursday. What time should the driver pick me up from the IATP campus?