
Places around town 2

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  • Were they at the coffee shop yesterday?
    Yes, they were
  • Were they at the toy store yesterday?
    Yes, they were
  • Where were they yesterday?
    They were at the pharmacy
  • Were they at the hair salon yesterday?
    Yes, they were
  • Where were they yesterday?
    They were at the bookstore
  • Were they at the bookstore yesterday?
    No, they weren´t. They were at the pharmacy
  • Were they at the flower shop yesterday?
    No, they weren´t. They were at the bookstore
  • Where were they yesterday?
    They were at the flower shop
  • Were they at the pharmacy yesterday?
    No, they weren´t. They were at the flower shop
  • Where were they yesterday?
    They were at the coffee shop
  • Where were they yesterday?
    They were at the toy store
  • Where were they yesterday?
    They were at the hair salon