
Places around town

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  • Was he at the museum yesterday?
    Yes, he was
  • Was she at the beach yesterday?
    No, she wasn´t. She was at the pool
  • Where was he yesterday?
    He was at the pool
  • Was he at the aquarium yesterday?
    Yes, he was
  • Where was she yesterday?
    She was at the hotel
  • Was she at the aquarium yesterday?
    No, she wasn´t. She was at the hotel
  • Where was she yesterday?
    She was at the aquarium
  • Where was he yesterday?
    He was at the amusement park
  • Where was she yesterday?
    She was at the museum
  • Where was he yesterday?
    He was at the beach
  • Was he at the hotel yesterday?
    No, he wasn´t. He was at the beach
  • Was she at the amusement park yesterday?
    Yes, she was