
A1.2 Be going to vs Will

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  • Translate: Я не збираюсь гуляти з вами завтра.
    I'm not going to hang out with you tomorrow.
  • Find a mistake: What will you do after work? What are your plans?
    What are you going to do after work? What are your plans?
  • Find a mistake: I think Jane will to stay at home this weekend.
    I think Jane will stay at home this weekend.
  • Find a mistake: Which bag is better? I think I'm going to buy the black one.
    I think I WILL buy the black one.
  • Find a mistake: We're gonna to visit our granny next month.
    We're gonna visit our granny next month.
  • Translate: Що ти збираєшся робити на вихідних?
    What are you going to do at the weekend?
  • Translate: Куди ви збираєтеся поїхати влітку?
    Where are you going to go in summer?
  • Translate: Що ти замовиш? - Я візьму якийсь салат.
    What will you order? - I'll have/take some salad.
  • Find a mistake: My sister going to visits me this week.
    My sister IS going to visit me this week.
  • Find a mistake: She gonna show us her new car.
    She IS gonna show us her new car.
  • Find a mistake: Chris won’t take part in the competition, it’s his decision.
    Chris ISN'T GOING TO take part in the competition, it’s his decision.
  • Translate: Можеш допомогти зі сніданком? - Одну хвилинку, я допоможу тобі!
    Can you help with the breakfast? - One minute, I'll help you!
  • Find a mistake: Mary doesn’t going to take on more work next month.
    Mary ISN'T going to take on more work next month.
  • Find a mistake: I going to call my Mom tonight. I've got some news for her.
    I AM going to call my Mom tonight.
  • Translate: Де Майк збирається жити наступного місяця?
    Where is Mike going to live/stay next month?
  • Find a mistake: Do you going to travel anywhere this summer?
    Are you going to travel anywhere this summer?