
Past Simple vs Present Perfect

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  • (you / decide) what you want to buy yet?
    Have you decided
  • My brother (jest) a single parent for two years.
    has been
  • Jim (just / lose) __________ his wallet.
    has just lost
  • My sister (work) as a dentist since 2015.
    has worked
  • I (mam) my smartphone for 2 years.
    have had
  • (Pojechali na swój) honeymoon just after the ceremony.
    They went for their
  • Jim (propose) ______ to Sandra yet.
    hasn't proposed
  • My mum (get) her first job when she was a teenager.
  • (you / read) any good books recently?
    Have you read
  • When I was your age, I (not / know) what I wanted to do.
    didn't know
  • My parents (chodzili) to primary school together.
  • My cousin learnt to swim (w wieku 10 lat)
    at the age of ten
  • Steve (already / see) this film twice.
    has already seen
  • (Z kim rozmawiałeś na Skypie) last night?
    Who did you skype / Who did you talk on Skype
  • I (already / choose) the job I want to do.
    have already chosen
  • (Czy kiedykolwiek leciałeś) a plane?
    Have you ever flown
  • What time (you / leave) home this morning?
    did you leave
  • My dad (właśnie umył) the car and we're ready to go.
    has just washed