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  • She used to rely more heavily on her pills. - Say this sentence again, using "less" or "as ... as".
    She doesn't rely on her pills as heavily as she did before .
  • What's the opposite of "better"?
  • adverb or adjective - BEST
    superlative adjective and adverb for good and well
  • What's the opposite of "the most"?
    the least
  • Make a sentence with "carefully" in it.
    Please answer all questions carefully.
  • Let's imagine you're the most intelligent person that has ever lived. Now, compare yourself to anyone you'd like at doing an activity of your choice (i.e.: running, swimming, cooking, etc.).
    I can run the fastest of all!
  • A lot of people behaved badly at the party, but she behaved worst of all.- Say this sentence again, using "... than anyone".
    She behaved worse than anyone at the party.
  • She spoke more quietly today than she did yesterday. - Say this sentence again, using "as ... as" or "less".
    She spoke less quietly yesterday.
  • What's the opposite of "more"?
  • Compare how well Dominos and Little Caesars make pizza.
    Dominos make pizza better than Little Caesars.
  • Make a sentence with "less" in it.
    My brother completed the activity less carefully than I did.
  • Compare how well you and your sister / brother speak English.
    I can speak English better than my brother / sister does.
  • Compare two school subjects and tell us which one you like better.
    I like English better than science.
  • adverb or adjective? - FAST
  • Make a sentence with "as ... as" in it.
    I can speak English as fluently as my mum.
  • She did it the most efficiently of all. - Say this sentence again, starting by "Nobody ..."
    Nobody did it as efficiently as her.
  • She can read music much more quickly than I can. - Say this sentence again, starting by "I can't ..."
    I can't read music as quickly as she can.
  • Compare how you spelled last year to how you spell now.
    I can spell better now (than I did last year).