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  • What does USA stand for?
    United States of America
    Under Sofa Alligator
  • What does 'OMG' stand for?
    Oh my God
  • What does 'e.g.' stand for?
    Exercise good
    Exempli gratia = for example
    Excellent grass
    Especial garden
  • What does 'GCHTMP'?
    Give chocolate to Miss Paulita
    Give chocolate to Miss Paula
    Give chocolate to Miss Paulita quebounita
    Give chocolate to Miss Paulaaaaaaa
  • What does 'pto' stand for?
    pages turn off
    please turn over
    people to open
    put the orange
  • What does 'www' stand for?
    Wendy washes watermelons
    web wide world
    world wide web
    why when who
  • What does 'PE' stand for?
    6) Phisycal education
    2) Physycal education
    4) Physical education
    9) Fisical education
  • What does 'BFF' stand for?
    Buy fresh flowers
    Better friend forever
    Best friends forever
    Best friend forever
  • What does 'LOL' stand for?
    Lights off loser
    Laughing out loud
    London over London
    Listen on lift
  • What does ASAP stand for?
    Ask Sonia after please
    Afternoon so always photograph
    As soon as possible
  • What does BC stand for?
    Buy chocolate
    Best chocolate
    Bah! chocolate
    Before Christ