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  • the place where cases and legal matters are conducted
    court or courtroom
  • using violence, threats, or fear, usually for political purposes
    terrorism (terrorist)
  • doing something illegal that can be punished by law
    crime (criminal)
  • driving with too much alcohol in your blood
    drunk driving or driving while intoxicated (drunk driver)
  • an examination of evidence before a judge and/or jury, in order to decide if a person is innocent or guilty
  • attacking someone physically
    assault (assailant)
  • taking things illegally and by force, during a riot, war, natural disaster, etc.
    looting (looter)
  • behaving illegally and dishonestly; especially those in power (government, organizations, etc.)
  • attacking someone with a plan to rob them
    mugging (mugger)
  • stealing something from a store
    shoplifting (shoplifter)
  • giving money or granting favors to influence another person’s decisions or behavior
    bribery (briber)
  • the place where accused persons and criminals are held
  • driving above the speed limit
    speeding (speeder)
  • a person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place
  • entering another person’s area or property without permission
    trespassing (trespasser)
  • a building where people are legally held as a punishment for a crime they have committed or while awaiting trial
  • stealing, in general
    theft (thief)
  • stealing wallets, money, phones, etc. from people’s pockets in crowded places
    pickpocketing (pickpocket)
  • taking someone away by force, sometimes demanding money for their safe return
    abduction or kidnapping (abductor/kidnapper)
  • setting fire to a building, cars or property on purpose
    arson (arsonist)
  • a person who the police think may be responsible for a crime
  • breaking into a house in order to steal something
    burglary (burglar)
  • forcing someone to have sex
    rape (rapist)
  • someone who practices or studies law
    lawyer/attorney (USA) or barrister/solicitor (UK)
  • trading something illegal like drugs, people, etc.
    trafficking (trafficker)
  • causing a noisy, violent public disturbance
    rioting (rioter)
  • destroying private or public property purposely
    vandalism (vandal)
  • a group of people (typically twelve in number) who decide if an accused person is innocent or guilty
  • doing something illegal over the Internet or a computer system
    cybercrime (cyber criminal or hacker)
  • the punishment or length of time a prisoner is imprisoned
  • stealing large amounts of money with force or violence from a bank, store, etc.
    robbery (robber)
  • killing a famous person or public figure
    assassination (assassin)
  • killing another person on purpose
    homicide or murder (murderer)
  • selling illegal narcotics
    drug dealing (drug dealer)
  • threatening to reveal someone’s secrets if a lot of money is not paid
    blackmail (blackmailer)
  • the legally binding decision on a case
  • an official appointed to decide cases in a court of law