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  • Correct the sentence: They don't may cook the dinner.
    They may not cook the dinner.
  • Order the sentence: I/may/to/go/bathroom/the/?
    May I go to the bathroom?
  • Order the sentence: may/the/doctors/you/help.
    The doctors may help you.
  • Translate the sentence: Puede que ella coma con nosotros hoy.
    She may/might eat with us today.
  • Correct the sentence: We may to clean the kitchen this afternoon.
    We may clean the kitchen this afternoon.
  • Order the sentence: You/miss/train/the/may.
    You may miss the train.
  • Correct the sentence: She might studies for the next exam.
    She might study for the next exam.
  • Translate the sentence: Es probable que ellos vengan a la fiesta.
    They may/might come to the party.
  • Translate the sentence: Puede que vayamos al cine mañana.
    We may/might go to the cinema tomorrow.
  • Translate the sentence: Hace sol, no es probable que llueva.
    It is sunny, it might not rain.
  • Translate the sentence: No es probable que él esté triste en su cumpleaños.
    He might not be sad in his birthday.
  • Translate the sentence: Puede que tú suspendas este examen.
    You might/may fail this exam.
  • Translate the sentence: Es probable que yo vea esa nueva película.
    I may/might watch that new film.
  • Correct the sentence: He mights go to the cinema tomorrow.
    He might go to the cinema tomorrow.