
I4 Test 1 Review

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  • dessert / ice cream / delicious (so or such?)
    Ice cream is such a delicious dessert.
  • English and French __________ (speak) in Canada. (active or passive?)
    English and French are spoken in Canada.
  • Cars showed INNOVATION / INNOVATED in the last century.
    Cars showed INNOVATION in the last century.
  • America _____________ (discover) by Christopher Columbus in 1492.
    America was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492.
  • What prefixes should be used with the following words? REGARD - THINK - CONTINUE - JUDGE
    DISregard - REthink - DIScontinue - MISjudge
  • I always try to _____________doing chores. (make or get expressions)
    I always try to GET OUT OF doing chores.
  • He got fired because he was late.
    He wouldn't have gotten fired if he hadn't been late.
  • I never ___________ about things. I prefer being discreet. (make or get expressions)
    I never MAKE A BIG DEAL about things. I prefer being discreet.
  • Jim Carey / funny (so or such?) He always makes me laugh.
    Jim Carey is so funny. He always makes me laugh.
  • If she  _________  (go) to bed early, she _________  (not / wake) up late.
    If she  had gone to bed early, she wouldn't have woken up late.
  • Coffee _________ (drink) all over the world. (active or passive?)
    Coffee is drunk all over the world.
  • She  __________  (be) very tired because she  __________  (study) too much.
    She was very tired because she had studied too much.
  • My parents _________________ (meet) if they ____________ (go) to that concert.
    wouldn't have met / hadn't gone
  • I try to ____________things I don’t need. (make or get expressions)
    I try to GET RID OF things I don’t need.
  • If Titanic ___________ (hit) an iceberg, it _____________ (sink).
    If Titanic hadn't hit an iceberg, it wouldn't have sunk.
  • By the time I _________ (arrive) at the movie theater, the movie __________ (already / start).
    arrived / had already started
  • “Shape of You” __________ (release) in 2017. (active or passive?)
    “Shape of You” was released in 2017.
  • Many movies have _____________ (direct) by Steven Spielberg. (active or passive?)
    Many movies have been directed by Steven Spielberg.
  • The iPhone ___________ (improve) since it was first released in 2007. (active or passive?)
    The iPhone has been improved since it was first released in 2007.
  • person / inspiring / Nelson Mandela (so or such?)
    Nelson Mandela was such an inspiring person.
  • When I _________ (get) to the airport I found out I __________ (forget) my passport at home.
    got / had forgotten
  • Different pizza toppings __________ (eat) in Brazil every day. (active or passive?)
    Different pizza toppings are eaten in Brazil every day.