
Past Simple

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  • I _________ (drink) lots of water.
    I drank lots of water.
  • ___________(you / watch) TV yesterday?
    Did you watch TV yesterday?
  • _________ (you / hear) this song?
    Did you hear this song?
  • My parents __________ (take) me to the cinema.
    My parents took me to the cinema.
  • I _________ (make) a pizza.
    I made a pizza.
  • They _________ (help) the dolphin.
    They helped the dolphin.
  • My best friend ________ (come) to my house last weekend.
    My best friend came to my house last weekend.
  • I ____________ (wake up) at 7 o'clock.
    I woke up at 7 o'clock.
  • They ___________ (not steal) the money.
    They didn't steal the money.
  • They ____________ (fly) to New York.
    They flew to New York.
  • Sorry I _________ (not text) you.
    Sorry I didn't text you.
  • __________ (you / burn) your hand?
    Did you burn your hand?
  • I __________ (not / learn) Chinese.
    I didn't learn Chinese.
  • I _________ (break) my arm last year.
    I broke my arm last year.
  • He _________ (fall) from the tree.
    He fell from the tree.
  • What _________ (you / watch)?
    What did you watch?
  • I _____________ (sleep) for 8 hours.
    I slept for 8 hours.
  • I ___________ (not phone) my grandma yesterday.
    I didn't phone my grandma yesterday.
  • He _________ (have) a cold.
    He had a cold.
  • I _________ (not study) yesterday.
    I didn't study yesterday.
  • I __________ (not / send) a message.
    I didn't send a message.
  • He __________ (have) an accident.
    He had an accident.
  • How __________ (he / bruise) his foot?
    How did he bruise his foot?
  • She ________ (tell) me a joke.
    She told me a joke.