
Review Unit 5

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  • We / go on tour? (use future with "going to")
    Are we going (to go) on tour?
  • ______ she record another album this year? (use future with "will")
    Will she record another album this year?
  • Shakira is my sister’s favourite singer. She loves her ______ music and ______ songs.
    Latin - pop
  • you / Lucky / ! / amazing / That / sounds
    That sounds amazing. Lucky you!
  • Jen hasn’t decided yet but I think she _____ choose the drums! (will / is going to)
  • This is the park which the band are going to play in July.
    (Wrong) This is the park where the band are going to play in July.
  • going / skiing / I’m / ! / looking / really / I’m / forward / it /to
    I'm going skiing! I'm really looking forward to it.
  • Dan / compose / another song (use the future with "going to")
    Dan is going to compose another song.
  • My grandma loves ______ music. She listens to Mozart all the time!
  • I_____________________ is more important than c______________ e.
    Intelligence - confidence
  • The boy who is in the band is my neighbour.
  • We are ______ learn an instrument. (going to / will)
    going to
  • D___________ is more important than t____________.
    Determination - talent
  • The phone where takes the best photos is my brother’s.
    (Wrong) The phone that/which takes the best photos is my brother’s.