
First Conditional

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  • I ___________ (go) shopping with you if I _________ (have) time tomorrow.
    will go / have
  • If he _________ (try) hard, he __________ (win) the competition.
    tries / will win
  • We _________ (go) to the beach if the weather _________ (be) nice.
    will go / is
  • We ________ (have) a picnic if it __________ (not / rain).
    will have / doesn't rain
  • I ___________ (save) money on gas if I __________ (buy) a hybrid car.
    will save / buy
  • If he ____________ (not / hurry), he __________ (be) late for work.
    doesn't hurry / will be
  • If you ________ (drive) carefully, you _________(not / have) any accidents.
    drive / won't have
  • If Jenny _________ (call), I _________ (talk) to her.
    calls / will talk
  • If people _________ (buy) cell phones every year, there ________ (be) a lot of e-waste.
    buy / will be
  • She _________ (waste) water if she __________ (not / fix) the leaky faucet.
    will waste / doesn't fix
  • If I ________ (meet) a celebrity I admire, I ________ (take) a selfie with him / her.
    meet / will take
  • If he __________ (fail) the test, he ________ (have) to repeat the course.
    fails / will have