
Irregular verbs 2

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  • My dad eats lots of oranges. He _____ an orange this morning.
  • Did you ____ your homework yesterday? No, I ____. I _____ it this morning.
    do ... didn't ... did
  • I see my friends every day. I ____ my friends yesterday.
  • Where ____ you do your homework? I ____ my homework at school.
    did ... did
  • She didn't _____ the medicine yesterday morning. She ____ the medicine last night.
    take .... took
  • Did I give you my phone number? Yes, you ___ . You ______ it to me yesterday.
    did   ..... gave
  • We drink milk every morning. We_______ milk yesterday.
  • Dad didn't ____ a pizza. He ______ a cake.
    make .... made
  • Did you get my post card? No, I ____. I _____ your email.
    didn't  ... got
  • What did they do yesterday? They ____ ( run) in the park.
  • Where did they go on Monday morning? They ____  back to school.
  • _____ you write the story? Yes, I did. I ____ it last weekend.
    Did .... wrote
  • Yesterday we didn't ____ any meat. We bought some vegetables.
  • Did Santa come last weekend? No, he ____ . He _____ last Christmas.
    didn't ......  came
  • She often ____books about pirates, but last month she _____ a book about dinosaurs.
    reads .... read
  • They didn't have a party, they ____ a picnic.
  • She usually doesn't drink any Coke, but yesterday she ____ some Coke at the beach.
  • My mum takes lots of photos. She ____ a good photo last Sunday.
  • Did you ____ on the chair? No, I didn't I ____ on the bed.
    sit ... sat
  • When did you eat an apple? I ______  an apple in the afternoon.
  • What did you do a week ago? I ____ (have) a holiday in the mountain.
  • ____ The Smiths go shopping last Sunday? No, they _____. They ____ shopping last Monday.
    Did .... didn't .... went
  • The children read books every week. They ____ three books last week.
  • Sam and Peter didn't see a shark. They _____ a dolphin.