
Passive Voice - Present Simple Tense

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  • The Hamiltons cook roast turkey on special days. Roast turkey ................ on special days by the Hamiltons.
    is cooked
  • Maisie takes a lot of nature photos at weekends. A lot of nature photos ....................... at weekends by Maisie.
    are taken
  • Lexi and Megan eat ice cream three times a week. Ice cream .................... twice a week by Lexi and Megan.
    is eaten
  • The kids do the washing - up. The washing-up ........ by the kids.
    is done
  • Alexander plays golf every Sunday morning. Golf .............................. every Sunday morning by Alexander.
    is played
  • Do they sell vegetables at the market. ........... vegetables ............ at the market?
    Are / sold
  • Mr. Ward sells fresh meat in this shop. Fresh meat .......... in this shop by Mr. Ward.
    is sold
  • Do you do the ironing? ........... the ironing .............. by you?
    Is / done
  • They don't print the books anymore. The books ................... anymore.
    are not printed
  • Mason and Lucas read story books every day. Story books ...................... every day by Mason and Lucas.
    are read
  • We receive a lot of phone calls every day. A lot of phone calls ........ every day.
    are received
  • My wife waters the plants. The plants ...................... by my wife.
    are watered
  • Mrs. Lawrance milks her cow twice a day. The cow .......................... twice a day by Mrs. Lawrance.
    is milked
  • Do they deliver the milk to your house every morning? ........ the milk .......... to your house every morning?
    Is / delivered
  • People produce cars in this factory. Cars ............... in this factory.
    are produced
  • Policemen catch and arrest thieves and robbers. Thieves and robbers ................ and .................. by policemen.
    are caught / arrested
  • Everyone in this class loves and respects Diana. Diana ........... and .............. by everyone in this class.
    is loved / respected
  • Do they make those shoes in Portugal? ..... those shoes ......... in Portugal?
    Are / made
  • Mr. Oven cleans our street every morning. Our street ........... every day by Mr. Oven.
    is cleaned
  • The farmer grows carrots in this field. Carrots ............................. in this field by the farmer.
    are grown
  • They don't deliver the goods on Sunday. The goods .................... on Sunday.
    are not delivered