
Autism Acceptance

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  • Autistic people have difficulties with interpreting ___________.
    both verbal and non-verbal language.
  • _____% of autistic adults are estimated to be in full-time paid employment.
  • Austrian child musical prodigy who composed more than 600 works. (thought to be autistic)
    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • By doing these things you are helping a person who is ____________.
    Over-sensitive to touch
  • Autism is __________.
    a neurodevelopmental difference
  • Welsh Oscar-winning actor who starred as Hannibal Lecter.
    Anthony Hopkins
  • When an autistic person becomes overwhelmed and loses control of their behaviour, this is a _________.
  • Why is autism considered a spectrum?
    While autism has common traits, there’s a lot of variation and differences between autistics..
  • Approximately more than ____ in ____ people in the UK are autistic.
    More than one in 100
  • British mathematician whose code cracking helped win World War 2. (thought to be autistic)
    Alan Turing
  • By doing these things you are helping a person who is ____________.
    Over-sensitive to light
  • German theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity. (thought to be autistic)
    Albert Einstein
  • Swedish environmental activist who began the Schools Strike for Climate movement.
    Greta Thunberg
  • Which of these has not been linked with autism?
    Trick question: They’ve all been linked and they’re all inaccurate. We have to deal with stories like this daily and many autistic people find them offensive.
  • English naturalist who presents Springwatch and Autumnwatch.
    Chris Packham
  • By doing these things you are helping a person who is ____________.
    Over-sensitive to sounds
  • "Autistic people are usually multitaskers and don't have a focused interest". Is this claim TRUE or FALSE?
  • American scientist and animal rights activist. Prominent proponent for the humane treatment of livestock for slaughter.
    Temple Grandin
  • "Anxiety is a real difficulty for many autistic adults". Is this claim TRUE or FALSE?
  • 3rd President of the United States and principal author of the Declaration of Independence. (thought to be autistic)
    Thomas Jefferson
  • Which of these are struggles that an autistic person can have?
    Taking things literally and not understanding abstract concepts
  • Autistic people may:
    Find it hard to form friendships.
  • More men and boys are currently diagnosed as autistic than women and girls. The most up-to-date ratio is ________.
  • Short for self-stimulatory behavior, it can include hand-flapping, rocking, spinning, or repetition of words and phrases. This is known as ________.