
Ali Baba & the 40 Thieves

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  • Why is Cassim's wife worried about her huband?
    He left early in the morning he's not back yet.
  • What tool does Ali Baba use in his job?
    An axe.
  • Why does Ali Baba want to move to Cassim's house?
    Because Cassim's wife will need his help.
  • How many people can Ali Baba see?
  • Why can't Cassim open the rock?
    Because he can't remember the magic words.
  • What happens when Ali Baba finds his brother?
    Cassim is dead and he takes his body back.
  • What happens when the thieves and their captain leave?
    Ali Baba walks to the cave, says the magic words and gets into the cave.
  • Ali Baba's wife discovers the thieves' plan. True or false?
    False. It's Morgiana.
  • The next morning Cassim goes to the cave with his brother. True or false?
  • What does Ali Baba see in the cave?
    Gold, jewels and silk everywhere.
  • How does Ali Baba thank Morgiana for saving his life?
    He wants Morgiana to marry his son and be a member of their family.
  • What is Ali Baba's job?
    He's a woodcutter.
  • How many oil jars are there?
  • Who is a poor brother, Cassim or Ali Baba?
    Ali Baba.
  • What do we know about Ali Baba's family?
    He has a wife and three children.
  • What is the captain dressed like when he comes back to Ali Baba for the second time?
    As a silk merchant.
  • Cassim and his wife arrive for a visit. Why is it a problem?
    Because there isn't time to hide the treasure.
  • What does "merchant" mean? A thief / someone who sells and buys goods / someone who makes goods
    Someone who sells and buys goods.
  • Ali Baba tells Cassim about the cave but he gives the wrong password. True or false?
  • Finish the sentence..."But Cassim doesn't care. The gold and the jewels ......................
    ...shine brightly.
  • The thieves and his captain finds out it was Ali Baba who discovered their secret.
  • The thieves' captain has a plan what to do with Ali Baba. What plan is it?
    To hide 39 thieves in 39 jars of oil and then kill Ali Baba.
  • Who is Cassim and Ali Baba?
  • Who is Morgiana?
    She's Cassim's servant.
  • What does the captain of thieves do to open a big rock.
    He raises his arms and says "Open, Sesame!''
  • How did Cassim die?
    The thieves found him in the cage and killed him.
  • Why can't Ali Baba recognise the captain?
    Because he's wearing a fake beard.
  • Is his wife happy when Ali Baba comes home?
    No, she is angry.
  • Who is coming to Ali Baba when he and his family are having dinner? Is this person happy?
    Cassim's wife. No, she's upset.
  • How long does Ali Baba stay in the tree?
    Until the thieves come out of the cave.
  • What's inside the bags?
  • What appears behind the rock the captain opens?
    A cave.
  • Where is Ali Baba hiding?
    In a tree.
  • Where does the story take place? Turkey / Persia / Egypt
    In Persia.
  • The captain runs away when he sees what happened to his people. True or false?
  • Ali Baba's wife is worried about food. What idea does Ali Baba come up with?
    He cuts more wood and sells it at the market.
  • Who saved Ali Baba when the captain came to him for the second time?
    Morgiana again.
  • "She cannot belive her eyes." Does it mean she is disappointed?
    No, it means she's surprised.
  • What's the plural form of a thief.
  • What did Morgiana do to help Ali Baba against the thieves?
    She poured boiling oil on the thieves and killed them.
  • What does Cassim do when he fills his bags with treasure?
    He sings happily.
  • Fill in the missing words: I'm so 1..........! I'm the in town! I'm the 3........of the 4........
    1. rich, 2. richest, 3. richest, 4. rich
  • Ali Baba sees a cloud of dust. What does he see when he looks closer?
    He sees men on horses.
  • What are these fourty men doing?
    They are riding horses and carrying lots of bags.