
Easter Jokes

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  • What kind of bunny can't hop?
    A chocolate one
  • How did the soggy Easter Bunny dry himself?
    With a hare-dryer
  • Why won't Easter eggs go out at night?
    They don't want to get "beat up"
  • What is the Easter Bunny's favourite sport?
  • How do bunnies stay healthy?
  • What do you call a mischievous egg?
    A practical "yolker"
  • What do you call an egg from outer space?
    An Egg-stra terrestial
  • What kind of jewelry do rabbits wear?
    14 carrot gold
  • What happened to the Easter Bunny when he misbehaved at school?
    He was eggs-pelled
  • Why did the Easter egg hide?
    He was a little chicken
  • What do you call a rabbit with fleas?
    Bugs Bunny
  • Where does the Easter Bunny get his eggs?
    From Egg-plants
  • What do you call ten rabbits marching backwards?
    A receding "hareline"
  • What happened to the egg when he was tickled too much?
    He cracked up
  • Where does the Easter Bunny go when he needs a new tail?
    To a re-tail store
  • What day of the week do Easter eggs hate the most?