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  • HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT (Rick wants to have his cake and eat it too)
    want more than your fair share
  • NUTS ABOUT SOMETHING (Harry is nuts about classical music)
    like a lot
  • BRING HOME THE BACON (My wife has had to bring home the bacon every since I broke my leg)
    earn the income
  • DON'T CRY OVER SPILLED MILK (There's no need to cry over spilled milk)
    get upset over something that has happened and cannot be changed
  • HARD NUT TO CRACK (Angela is a hard nut to crack when something is bothering her like this)
    difficult to understand (often a person)
  • HOT POTATO (Choosing a location for our new store is a hot potato right now)
    a controversial or difficult subject
  • TO BUTTER SOMEONE UP (We'll have to butter Angie up before we tell her the news about the broken vase)
    to be extra nice to someone (usually for selfish reasons)
  • ONE SMART COOKIE (Your daughter is one smart cookie)
    a very intelligent person
  • A PIECE OF CAKE (The exam was a piece of cake)
    very easy
  • EGG SOMEONE ON (The gang tried to egg us on but we didn't want to fight)
    urge someone to do something
  • SPILL THE BEANS (On Monday, I'm going to spill the beans about my travel plans)
    reveal the truth
  • SPICE THINGS UP (I wanted to spice things up in the office, so I bought some red and gold paint)
    make something more exiting
  • COOL AS A CUCUMBER (I thought I was afraid of flying, but I was cool as a cucumber all the way to England)
    very relaxed
  • CUP OF JOE (Let's stop for a cup of joe before we head to work)
    cup of coffee
  • HAVE A BUN IN THE OVEN (I think Jessica has a bun in the oven)
    to be pregnant
  • NOT MY CUP OF TEA (Heavy metal isn't exactly my cup of tea)
    not something you enjoy
  • IN A NUTSHELL (In a nutshell, I'm having a bad day)
  • APPLE OF ONE'S EYE (Baby Jessica is the apple of her father's eye)
    = a person that is adored by someone.
  • BIG CHEESE (I thought I was just going to interview the secretary, but they let me talk to the big cheese himself)
    a very important person (vip)
  • USE YOUR NOODLE (You're going to have to really use your noodle to solve this riddle)
    use your brain
  • BREAD AND BUTTER (Just explain the bread and butter of your report. You don't have to go into details)
    the main thing
  • SELL LIKE HOT CAKES (The new Harry Potter books sold like hot cakes)
    bought by many people
  • CREAM OF THE CROP (We hired the cream of the crop to entertain us at the Christmas pary)
    the best
  • OUT TO LUNCH (Mike has been out to lunch ever since he lost his job)
    crazy or mad