
"So" & "Such" / "Too" & "Enough" (B2 level)

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  • Put the words in order: I don't / Admittedly, / fruit and vegetables. / enough / eat
    Admittedly, I don't eat enough fruit and vegetables.
  • I have __________________ meal before (GOOD)
    I have never eaten / had such a good meal before.
  • This meal is (so / such) disgusting!
    This meal is so disgusting! *Remember* "such" needs to be followed by a noun.
  • What's the grammar? What position does the word "enough" take when used with nouns and when used with adjectives / adverbs?
    adjective / adverb + enough *and* enough + noun
  • Is this sentence correct? "I need so much time to prepare for the party"
    The sentence is correct.
  • What's the missing word? "I think that's _____ a good idea."
  • This is (so / such) a disgusting meal!
    This is such as disgusting meal!
  • Is this sentence correct? "At the end of the exam, she had such little time left that she didn't tackle the last question"
    Incorrect! "..... she had so little time...." *Remember* "so" can be followed by a noun if the words "much / many / few / little" are used.
  • Reword this sentence using "such"
    He has such a lot of money.
  • Which word would be correct? "The student was ______ tall that they hit their head on the ceiling" ("too" or "so" ?)
    "so" (and also "such") can be used to express cause and effect.
  • What's the missing word? "There was ____ much food on the table!"
    so / too
  • Is this sentence correct? "They were such thrilled that he had graduated with a very good degree"
    Incorrect! "They were so thrilled....." *Remember* "such" needs to be followed by a noun.
  • What are the missing words? "There ____ too ____ cars in the city"
    "There are too many cars in the city"
  • We haven't got _______________ make the cake (ENOUGH)
    We haven't got enough sugar to make the cake.
  • The weather ________________ us to go for a picnic (WARM)
    The weather wasn't warm enough for us to go for a picnic.
  • Jack made ___________________ to make that delicious meal (SUCH)
    Jack made such an effort to make that delicious meal.
  • That restaurant _____________ most people to eat there (TOO)
    That restaurant is too expensive for most people to eat there.
  • Reword this sentence using "such"
    He has such a lot of cars.
  • She spoke ___________ couldn't understand her (THAT)
    She spoke so quickly that we couldn't understand her.
  • What are the missing words? "There ____ too ____ water in the damn"
    "There is too much water in the damn"
  • What are the missing words? "There ____ too ____ bad news on TV"
    "There is too much bad news on TV"
  • She had never _______________ a party (FUN)
    She had never had such fun at a party. *or* She had never had so much fun at a party.
  • Place "enough" in the sentence
    She has enough money to be able to buy everything she wants.
  • "Perhaps the dish _________," said Jane (MILD)
    "Perhaps the dish was not mild enough," said Jane.
  • Phil spent ___________________ preparing the meal that we ate very late (TIME)
    Phil spent such a long time / so much time preparing the meal that we ate very late.
  • Place "so much OR so many" in the sentence
    She has so many problems that cause her to worry.
  • Is this sentence correct? "My friends and I had such fun at the park!"
    The sentence is correct.
  • "This chicken hasn’t _______________ ," said Berty (ENOUGH)
    "This chicken hasn’t been cooked enough," said Berty.
  • What words do you need to be able to use "so" in front of a noun?
    much / many / little / few
  • What's the grammar? What position does the word "too" take when used with nouns, adjectives / adverbs and what needs to be added when used with nouns?
    too + adjective / adverb *and* too much / many + noun
  • Put the words in order: so / There are / ingredients / go to the shops. / many / in this recipe, / have to / I may
    There are so many ingredients in this recipe, I may have to go to the shops.
  • What's the grammar? How can you use "so" with a noun?
    so + much / many / few / little + noun
  • The restaurant _________________ we couldn't get a table (SO)
    The restaurant was so full that we couldn't get a table.
  • What's the grammar? "so + adjective / adverb" but how do you use "such" with adjectives and adverbs?
    such + adjective / adverb + noun
  • Is this sentence correct? "Eating a little chocolate on occasion isn’t to unhealthy"
    "Eating a little chocolate on occasion isn’t too unhealthy"
  • The organisers provided us ____________ that everyone felt hungry (LITTLE)
    The organisers provided us (with) so little food that everyone felt hungry.