
Energy Sources

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  • What are the disadvantages of fossil fuels.
    Create harmful waste. Air pollution. Worsen climate change
  • What are the benefits of renewable energy?
    Less pollution. Energy source never depletes.....
  • What is the most common form of energy in Vietnam?
  • How much energy do you use everyday?
  • What is clean energy?
    Energy that has a net 0 carbon footprint. Doesn't pollute the environment.
  • What uses the most electricity in your home?
    Water heater, oven, lights, appliances....
  • What are some ways you can reduce your energy consumption?
    Turn off appliances when not using them. Turn off lights. Walk or use public transport.....
  • What are some forms of fossil fuels?
    Oil, Natural Gas, Coal....
  • Does Vietnam consume a lot of energy?
  • What are some types of renewable energy sources?
    Wind, Solar, Hydro, Tidal...
  • What are low energy buildings?
    Buildings that use very little electricity because of the way they are built. They do not need to use air conditioning or heating.
  • What are the disadvantages of renewable energy sources?
    More expensive. Produces less electricity than fossil fuels.....
  • What are the benefits of fossil fuels?
    Cheaper. Can produce more electricity with less land.....
  • What are some challenges countries face to switch to renewable energy?
    Expenses. Lack of knowledge. Lack of infrastructure. Incorrect weather conditions....