
Home Safety and Security

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  • What are 2 items you can find inside a first aid kit?
    bandaid, medicine, tape, scissors, ointment, cotton, cleaning wipes
  • You fell down and scraped your arm. Is this an emergency?
    A small cut or scrape is NOT an emergency. You do not need to call 911. Go to the doctor if the cut might be infected.
  • You have not felt well in a few days. What emergency phone number should you call?
    Call your parent or guardian. Call a doctor.
  • What are these called? Why do I need them?
    A bandaid or a plaster. I need one if I get a cut. Put it on after cleaning with soap and water.
  • Some houses and buildings have a security alarm. IATP has one in the office. If you try to enter the building at night or on the weekend, will it beep loudly?
    Yes, you need a special code for the security alarm if you go after school or at night. This helps keep strangers away.
  • A smoke detector helps keep me safe because it _______ . (Hint: What does it do?)
    It warns me if there is smoke or fire. It will beep very loudly.
  • When you make plans with your friends, who should you tell for safety?
    Tell your mom or dad the details of the plan (where, when, who, what) for safety.
  • When there is a fire, it is good to have a MEETING PLACE. At IATP, where do we meet during a fire drill?
    on the field in the back of the building
  • I have to take medicine every night at 8:00PM. What safety tool will help remind me? ALARM or CLOCK?
    Set alarms to ring so you never forget to take medicine.
  • When do you need a flashlight for safety?
    Power outage, make yourself known, look in dark places
  • True or False: Keep your windows open when you are not home.
    FALSE. Keep all windows locked if you are not at home.
  • You are leaving your home to go on a walk. You will be gone for 30 minutes. What safety tool do you use? DOOR LOCK or EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER?
    Lock your door so strangers do not come into your house when you are gone.
  • What do I need to check in my smoke detector? Every 6 months, I will check the ____.