
Past Perfect

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  • Write a sentence with the Past Simple and the Past Perfect connected by "because".
    She felt a lot healthier. She had began going to the gym three months ago.
  • Write a sentence in the Past Perfect using this picture.
    She had won the race twice in a row.
  • Write a sentence in the Past Simple followed by a sentence in the Past Perfect.
    She beat his best friend at Fortnite. She had tried to do it before unsuccessfully.
  • Write a sentence in the Past Perfect using this picture.
    She had gotten the vaccine when she was a kid.
  • Write a sentence in the Past Simple followed by a sentence in the Past Perfect.
    He gave the Joker an ultimatum. He had given him enough chances.
  • Write a sentence with the Past Simple and the Past Perfect connected by "because".
    He was punched in the face because he had insulted a martial artist.
  • Write a sentence in the Past Simple followed by a sentence in the Past Perfect.
    They fought using lightsabers. Luke had trained with Yoda for days.
  • Write a sentence in the Past Simple followed by a sentence in the Past Perfect.
    Our team won the championship. We had trained all year for this.
  • Write a sentence in the Past Perfect using this picture.
    He had bought a car with his savings.
  • Write a sentence in the Past Perfect using this picture.
    She had graduated from the most prestigious university in the country.
  • Write a sentence in the Past Simple followed by a sentence in the Past Perfect.
    She run for her life. Aliens had invaded planet earth.
  • Write a sentence in the Past Perfect using this picture.
    They had travelled to Paris during their vacations.