
IMPACT 3 unit 1-2-3

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  • I __________________ (practice) the guitar when he came home.
    was practicing
  • Last night, my car break down and we have to walk home. (correct the sentence)
    Last night, my car broke down and we had to walk home.
  • While Aaron ........... (work) in his room, her mother came in.
    was working
  • When I arrived, they ________________(play) video games.
    were playing
  • Yesterday morning at eight I ______________ (prepare) breakfast.
    was preparing
  • The bell rang while my sister ___________(watch) TV.
    was watching
  • David and Tim ………………………. (enjoy) playing computer games.
  • David washed my car yesterday morning. (ask question WHO)
    Who washed my car yesterday morning.
  • The window was open and a bird __________ (fly) into the room.
  • When my father saw me, I ____________________(sit) in the park.
    was sitting
  • Sue usually ……………. (read) a book before going to bed.
  • I knew Sarah was very busy, so I ____________ (not disturb) her.
    didn't disturb
  • Yesterday at six I ...............(prepare) dinner.
    was preparing
  • My sister and I ……………………. (not like) romantic films.
    don't like
  • It was warm, so I _____________ (take) off my coat.
  • Rebecca …………………. (work) in a restaurant.
  • They collected postcards. (make negative)
    They didn't collect postcards.
  • Fiona visited her grandma last sunday. (ask question WHEN)
    When did Fiona visit her grandma?
  • We __________________(cycle) when my mother called me.
    were cycling
  • The bed was very uncomfortable. I ___________ (not sleep) very well.
    didn't sleep
  • Albert played squash. (make negative)
    Albert didn't play squash
  • He ....... (wake) up and .......... (look) at his watch.
    woke / looked
  • The film wasn't very good. I ___________ (not enjoy) it very much.
    didn't enjoy
  • Marvin ............. (switch) on the computer and ......(check) his emails.
    switched / checked
  • The kids _________________ (play) in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.
    were playing
  • Did you ate dinner last night? (correct the sentence)
    Did you eat dinner last night?
  • Tom usually ……………….. (go) to the theatre on weekends.
  • The teacher didn't tested our English. (correct the sentence)
    The teacher tested our English. / The teacher didn't test our English.
  • Nobody .............(listen) while the teacher ............. (explain) the tenses.
    was listening / was explaining