
Be going to

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  • He __________ (not/come) to school today,
    He isn't going to come to school today.
  • Sam is running very fast. He __________ (win) the race.
    He is going to win the race.
  • Jo _________ (be) sick.
    Jo is going to be sick.
  • Where _____ we ______ (meet)?
    Where are we going to meet?
  • He ________ (fly) to Dublin. He is scared of flying.
    He isn't going to fly to Dublin.
  • I __________ (not/invite) him to my party.
    I am not going to invite him to my party.
  • A:What _____ you ______ (do)? B: I ________ (go) home.
    A: What are you going to do? B: I am going to go home.
  • A: What ______ you ______ (make) for breakfast? B: I ________ (make) a sandwich.
    A: What are you going to make for breakfast? B: I am going to make a sandwich.
  • He ________ (be) in Ireland for 3 weeks.
    He is going to be in Ireland for three weeks.
  • I ___________ (not/come) here again.
    I am not going to come here again.
  • A: What _____ you _______ (do) this weekend? B: I __________ (stay) at home and relax.
    A: What are you going to do this weekend? B: I am going to stay at home and relax.
  • We _______ (not/ go) to Rome for a holiday. We _________ (go) to Paris.
    We aren't going to Rome for a holiday. We are going to Paris.
  • She __________ (love) this photo.
    She is going to love this photo.
  • Where _______ you husband _______ (work)?
    Where is your husband going to work?
  • It ________ (not/rain).
    It isn't going to rain.
  • A: What _____ he _______ (say) to Anne? B: He __________ (tell) her his secret.
    A: What is he going to say to Anne? B: He is going to say her his secret.
  • The water is very cold. They __________ (swim) today.
    They aren't going to swim today.
  • What _____ Tom ______ (sing) at the concert?
    What is Tom going to sing at the concert?
  • We ___________ (not/skate) very fast.
    We aren't going to skate very fast.
  • You have popcorn! ______ you _____ (watch) a film?
    Are you going to watch a film?
  • What _____ they _________ (do) the next weekend?
    What are they going to do the next weekend?
  • Where _____ you _________ (spend) your birthday?
    Where are you going to spend your birthday?
  • I _______ (leave) in a minute.
    I am going to leave in a minute. / I'm going to leave in a minute.
  • It's my birthday tomorrow. I _________ (be) 16.
    I am going to be 16.
  • The cat ________ (eat) the fish.
    The cat is going to eat the fish.