
Wayside school questions

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  • What does "Driveway" mean?
    An area in front of garage.
  • The dentist's name was-----.
    Dr. Payne
  • Dr. Payne drilled teeth just to make money
    True or False?
  • The elevators worked -----
    only once
  • Miss Zarves taught her students -----.
  • Miss Zarves was having trouble teaching her lesson because ----.
    there was a cow in her class
  • Jason left school early to go to .....
    the dentist
  • Dr. Payne hurt her -----.
    Her ankle
  • What does "Exceptional" mean?
    Outstanding & amazing.
  • Wendy had an extra -----.
  • Wendy could ---
    hear thoughts
  • Dr. Payne ran away because ------.
    ) she owed Mrs. Drazil homework.
  • What does "Scream at the top of my lungs" mean?
    To be afraid of something really bad and scream!
  • Miss Nogard became ----.
    a substitute teacher
  • What does "Blurt Out" mean?
    To say something suddenly, and without thinking 
  • What does "GROSS" mean?
    Disgusting, not acceptable
  • Everyone cheered when Mr. Kidswatter announced -----.
    that elevators had been installed
  • What does the Idiom "Sleep on it" mean?
    To think about something overnight, before deciding.
  • What does "Scratch an Itch" mean?
    To have an skin irritation.
  • Dr. Payne's pets' names were -----.
    Brussels and Sprouts
  • By the end of her first day as a substitute teacher, Miss Nogard had all the students feeling ----.
    glum and blah
  • What does "Rear- View Mirror" mean?
    A small angled mirror that helps drivers to see the road behind them.
  • Why did Xavier leave Wendy?
    Because of her 3rd ear