
IELTS Speaking part 2

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  • SHOPPING • Do you enjoy shopping? • How do you feel about shopping? • Do you like shopping on the Internet? • Do you have any favourite stores?
  • • COLOURS • Do you have a favourite colour? • What are your country’s colours? • Do you think colours affect our moods?
  • DAILY ROUTINE • Describe your daily routine. • What do you usually do? • What do you do on the weekend? • What is you typical weekday like?
  • FOOD • What are some of your favourite foods? • What foods are popular in your country? • What are some of the famous dishes of your country? • Do you enjoy cooking?
  • MUSIC • Do you like music? • What kind of music do you like? • When do you usually listen to music? • What kind of music did you like when you were younger?
  • STUDIES • What are you studying now? • What is your area of specialization?
  • COMPUTERS • Do you think computers help society? • Do you think computers are bad for health? • How do you think computers have changed the world?
  • INTERNET • Do you use the Internet much during the day? • What do you usually do on the Internet? • What are some advantages of the Internet? • What are some disadvantages? • Do people in your country use the Internet a lot?
  • FAMILY • Describe your family? • Do you have a large or small family? • How much time do you spend with your family? • What do you like to do together as a family? • Do you get along well with your family? 
  • PLACE • Describe a place you like to go. • Why is this place special to you? • When did you first visit this place? • Where is this place located?
  • WEATHER • What’s the weather like in your country? • Does the weather affect your mood? • How do rainy days make you feel? • What’s your favourite season of the year? • What do you like to do when it’s hot?
  • YOUR COUNTRY • Which country are you from? • Where is this country located? • Which part of the country do most people live in? • What are the main industries in your country?
  • WEDDING • Have you ever been to a wedding? • Whose wedding was it? • Where was it held? • What clothes do people wear? • Describe the wedding ceremony. • What sort of gifts do people buy for the bridal couple?
  • TOURISM • Which places would you recommend to a visitor to your country? • Do a lot of tourists visit your country? • What do they usually do there? • How has tourism changed your country?
  • • Do you think festivals are important for a society? TELEVISION • Do you watch television a lot? • What do you usually watch on television? • How many hours of television do you usually watch? • What are the most popular shows in your coun
  • HOMETOWN • Describe your hometown. • What’s special about it? • Where is your hometown located? • Is it easy to travel around your hometown? • What is it known for? • What do people in your town do?
  • SPORTS • Do you like sports? • Do you enjoy watching sports? • Do you enjoy participating in any sports? • Which sports are most popular in your country? • What’s your favourite sport/
  • HOBBIES • Do you have any hobbies? • What are some of your hobbies? • When did you first develop this hobby? • What are some of the advantages of having a hobby?
  • EMAIL • Do you send and receive email regularly? • Who do you usually communicate with? • How often do you check your email?
  • FESTIVAL • What’s the most important festival in your country? • How do people celebrate this festival? • What special food is associated with this festival? • What special activities are associated with this festival?
  • EDUCATION • Describe your education. • What kind of school did you go to as a child? • Did you go to a co-educational school? • What was your favourite subject as a child? • Who was your favourite teacher?
  • FILMS • Do you enjoy watching movies? • What’s your favourite film? • Who are your favourite actors? • How often do you watch films?
  • HOME • Describe your home. • What kind of building do you live in? • How long have you lived there?
  • FRIEND • Describe a friend. • How long have you known each other? • What do usually do together? • What do you like the most about him / her?
  • MARRIAGE • What is the attitude toward marriage in your country? • Do most young people plan on getting married in your country? • What are some of the advantages of marriage? • What are some of the disadvantages?
  • CLOTHES • What type of clothes do you like to wear? • What kind of clothes do people in your country usually wear? • How important is fashion to you? • What kind of clothes do you dislike?
  • TRAVEL • Do you like to travel? • What kind of places have you visited in your life? • Which place would you really like to visit? Why? • What’s the best place you’ve ever visited?