
Bush Fire!

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  • Why is a Bush Fire dangerous for animals and people?
    They can be trapped and killed by the fire.
  • Who did Biff watch the film about Bush Fires with?
    Nadim and Anneena
  • What is the job of the fire service?
    To put out fires.
  • Which country had Bush Fires?
  • How do the children help protect the house from the fire?
    They spray the walls and roof with water.
  • How does the helicopter help fight the fires?
    It scoops up water then drops it on the flames.
  • What is the setting of a story?
    It is where it takes place.
  • What does the word 'plot' mean?
    It is what happens in the story.
  • What is a baby koala called?
    It is called a Joey.
  • Why are Bush Fires hard for Koalas?
    They cannot fly away like birds. They get trapped.