
A lovely birthday present

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  • What is the snorkel for in the story?
    To help you breathe when you have your face in the water.
  • What does an action verb tell you?
    It tells you what someone or something did.
  • What is a dock?
    A place where you tie up a boat.
  • Habitat means
    the environment and animal lives in.
  • When do you put /s/ on an action verb?
    When the subject is he, she or it.
  • I take, or I takes a photo?
  • What does a caterpillar turn into?
    A butterfly.
  • Why is it important to have a wet suit on in the water?
    Without it, you will freeze in the cold water.
  • She eats or she eat the ice cream?
  • When do you not use /s/ on an action verb?
    When the subject is I, they, you or we.
  • What is a diagraph?
    It is two letters, which combine to make one sound.