
Passive voice - present and past

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  • The kids watches football on TV.
    Football are watched on TV. (by the kids)
  • The girl reads a book every week.
    A book is read every week (by the girl)
  • Construction workers built old churches.
    Old churches were built (by workers)
  • The keys were found by a person.
    A person found the keys.
  • They grow strawberries every year.
    Strawberries are grown every year.
  • Some sandwiches were brought by John.
    John brought some sandwiches.
  • The mechanic repairs cars every day.
    Cars are repaired (by the mechanic) every day.
  • A new car was bought by the boss.
    The boss bought a new car.
  • The government gave some money to poor people.
    Poor people were given some money. (by the government)
  • Rick wrote a letter last year.
    A letter was written (by Rick) last year.
  • A big mistake was made here.
    They made a big mistake here.
  • I sent 3 messages to you last night.
    3 messages were sent to you. (by me)