
Family and friends 3 unit 4

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  • What season is it?
    It's summer
  • He .....
    He likes windsurfing.
  • He .....
    He likes diving.
  • Where is he from?
    He is from the UK.
  • Where is she from?
    She is from the USA.
  • What season is it?
    It's autumn.
  • They .....
    They like kayaking.
  • He .....
    He likes surfing.
  • Where is he from?
    He is from Russia.
  • He .....
    He likes sailing.
  • He .....
    He likes waterskiing.
  • What season is it?
    It's spring
  • Where is she from?
    She is from Australia.
  • He .....
    He likes swimming.
  • What season is it?
    It's winter
  • He .....
    He likes snorkelling.