
Job Skills

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  • Should you find the location of your interview the day before or the same day as your interview?
    The day before
  • On a job application, what does available start date mean?
    The day you can begin work
  • Is it okay to play on your phone if work is VERY slow and no one is in the store?
  • Should you talk about previous volunteer work if asked about previous work experience?
  • What do you need to do to your pants before a job interview?
    Iron them
  • How many questions should you be ready to ask after the interview is over?
  • How early should you arrive to a job interview?
    15 minutes
  • When should you iron your interview outfit?
    The day before your interview
  • If you have an expensive Starbucks drink, it is okay to take it inside while you wait for your interview?
  • If a customer asks you a question you cannot answer, do you respond with "I don't know".
    No. Tell them you are unsure and will find someone to help them.
  • Is it okay to look at your phone while you are waiting to be interviewed?
  • Should you try to be friends with your boss outside of work?
  • If your car breaks down is it okay to tell your boss you will not be in until it is fixed?
  • Do you need to ask people before or after you list them as a reference?
  • Should you go to the restroom after your lunch break has ended?
  • Your boss gives you a new task you hate doing. Should you get a co-worker to help you?
  • If you are still in school, what do you put on a job application under "Degree Received"
    N/A (not applicable)
  • A job ad says, "apply M-W between 8am-3pm". Can you apply Thurs. at 11am?
  • How many hours a week do you work for a full-time job?
    40 or more