
Colors, Numbers, Months - Oh my!

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  • What is the first month of the year?
  • What season do the months January, February, and March belong to?
  • If today is Sunday, what day will it be tomorrow?
    Tomorrow will be Monday
  • What color are the chairs in this picture?
    They are color blue
  • What season are we in right now?
  • What are the four seasons?
    Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
  • What season do the months June, July, August belong to?
  • What are the three colors of the Irish flag?
    green, orange, white
  • How do you say this number?
  • What color is the dog?
    It is red
  • What month comes after March?
  • What colors are found on the South African flag?
    black, yellow, green, white, red, blue
  • What color is it?
    It is yellow.
  • What days make up the weekend?
    Saturday and Sunday
  • BONUS: What is your favorite day of the week
  • What are the colors of the rainbow?
    red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple (or, indigo and violet)
  • How many months do we have in one year?
  • What is the last month of the year?
  • If today is Monday, what was the day BEFORE yesterday?
  • If today is Thursday, what day was it yesterday?
    Yesterday was Wednesday!
  • What color is it?
    It is orange